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- Thu Feb 09, 2017 11:30 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Community College Campus Carry
- Replies: 20
- Views: 5128
Re: Community College Campus Carry
Thank you all for your feedback.
- Wed Feb 08, 2017 9:24 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Community College Campus Carry
- Replies: 20
- Views: 5128
Community College Campus Carry
So I went back to school last year at Community College. The Campus Carry law, S.B. 11, requires that 2 yr, non-private colleges need to be compliant in 2017. A couple of days ago, I received an e-mail from the President of the school stating they were starting to look at the implementation process, and coming up with their rules for compliance. He also stated he was going to use other Universities' "processes" and "rules" based on some 4 yr schools have implemented their rules. I know there have been some questionable attempts to limit the law by some Universities by not allowing campus carry in various places. Since I am attending this school, I plan to follow it much more closely than other schools like UT.
My question to everyone is: Does anyone know specifically know where, and what some of these "questionable" policies are? Are there any current proposals to amend the current law?
I am asking because I want as much knowledge on the subject I can get, before I start firing off e-mails to the President. Based on his statement, "Our college is working on a very important task, among the most challenging of my career--developing a policy implementing S.B. 11," I get the impression they are going to make it overly difficult for LTC holders. Seriously, the "most challenging"? Can't we just carry and be left alone?
Thanks everyone. I appreciate your input.
My question to everyone is: Does anyone know specifically know where, and what some of these "questionable" policies are? Are there any current proposals to amend the current law?
I am asking because I want as much knowledge on the subject I can get, before I start firing off e-mails to the President. Based on his statement, "Our college is working on a very important task, among the most challenging of my career--developing a policy implementing S.B. 11," I get the impression they are going to make it overly difficult for LTC holders. Seriously, the "most challenging"? Can't we just carry and be left alone?
Thanks everyone. I appreciate your input.