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by bblhd672
Sat May 19, 2018 1:54 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Active Shooter reported at Santa Fe High School
Replies: 141
Views: 53220

Re: Active Shooter reported at Santa Fe High School

MaduroBU wrote:The peditricians all set out to van violent video games in the 1990s. They did quite a bit of research on the topic, but wound up finding no link between time spent watching tv and violent acts. Flash forward to now, where we see that all of the shooters play a lot of violent video games. There is some effect which we can't measure in normal, well socialized kids that comes out in mentally abnormal, poorly socialized kids.

I went argue that violent games are good for kids, but there The tendency to wanton violence is certainly limited. The real goal is to find these kids BEFORE this kind of tragedy.
Perhaps the difference would be all of the ADHD drugs that makes some kids react differently to violent video games/television shows/movies/music/etc.?

Still think Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin is onto something with his views on the fallen state of our society.
by bblhd672
Fri May 18, 2018 3:40 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Active Shooter reported at Santa Fe High School
Replies: 141
Views: 53220

Re: Active Shooter reported at Santa Fe High School

chamberc wrote:She's dead. Confirmed.
Deepest condolences to entire family. I pray that God will give you all the strength and comfort to get through this tragedy.
by bblhd672
Fri May 18, 2018 11:37 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Active Shooter reported at Santa Fe High School
Replies: 141
Views: 53220

Re: Active Shooter reported at Santa Fe High School

Rafe wrote:More screams for gun control coming. My dad used to tell me how, in the 60s, high school seniors used to have pickup trucks with gun racks in the back in the parking lot, because they were going hunting or shooting after school. How many high school shootings were there in the 60s? Guns aren't the problem. Something has gone seriously wrong with our society in the space of 40 years. The guns haven't changed much.
I went to high school in the mid '70's in rural Louisiana. Rifles and shotguns were commonly brought to school in rifle racks/back seats/trunks, especially during hunting seasons.

Culture has changed for the worst. Here's Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin's take on gun control and I agree with what he is saying. We need more leaders with the spine to look the leftist in the eyes and tell them they are wrong about the reasons for our youth killing each other. ... 618805523/
by bblhd672
Fri May 18, 2018 10:49 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Active Shooter reported at Santa Fe High School
Replies: 141
Views: 53220

Re: Active Shooter reported at Santa Fe High School

Another sad day in Texas. Prayers for the students and their families.

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