RTWT Good ideas here. We need to try new approaches to turning back the gun control tide.
We are losing the fight for the Second Amendment. We are losing it in the courts. We are losing it in the legislatures. We are losing it in the media, in the schools and with young people. The approach we have been using to protect the Second Amendment for many years has failed, is failing and will continue to fail. That approach has basically focused on lobbying, elections, voting and using the litigation process without any serious attempt to change the philosophical or ideological bent of the country or to change the ideological trajectory of the country to the left which in the last five years has been accelerating, and without any attempt to change the basic progressive mindset which has dominated American politics for many decades. The tactics we have used are archaic, dated, spent, don’t work and there has been no attempt to use bold new innovative tactics and unless that changes, we are going to lose this fight.
First, we need to recognize that gun control is a progressive idea. If we don’t understand what progressivism is, then how can we understand the basis for gun control proposals and refute and defeat them?
Progressivism is not a rational political philosophy but is rather an irrational form of therapy whereby the progressive makes himself feel better by proposing some government action he thinks, without evidence or logic, will solve the problem. That explains everything about how progressives react to mass shootings. Any role that government itself may have played in causing the event is ignored and the progressive must find a non-governmental scapegoat to blame. Thus, in the Parkland Shooting, numerous government policies or personnel failed. The shooter himself was the product of government schools and was bullied and ostracized there for years. Yet, all we hear is that the NRA is to blame. This is an obvious absurdity but perfectly understandable once you understand what a progressive is and how they think.
Seventh, we need to make new alliances. Politics is about coalitions. Who are our allies? That I have to ask makes the point. We appear to have none except the gutless GOP, which will sell you down the river in a heartbeat to win an election. The strongest allies we have are the libertarians who believe the right to bear arms is a natural right. You don’t have to agree with them on everything to work with them on this issue.