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by bblhd672
Sat Apr 21, 2018 11:55 am
Forum: National Rifle Association
Topic: Protesters target NRA lobbyist’s home and wife’s business
Replies: 5
Views: 7809

Protesters target NRA lobbyist’s home and wife’s business ... 326249e516
National Rifle Association lobbyist Chris Cox says his house was splashed with fake blood — twice.

Then, someone made a fake website for his wife’s interior design business, altering images of artwork to show photos of child gun violence victims.

Last week, two gun control activists protested outside Cox’s Alexandria, Va., home and handed out fliers outside his wife’s nearby business.

“Mr. and Mrs. Cox have been targeted over the past few months by repeated acts of criminal and unlawful conduct, including having their home vandalized on two occasions,” Elizabeth Locke, attorney for the Cox family, said in a statement. “These coordinated tactics have crossed the line of civility and human decency.”

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