Charles L. Cotton wrote:gtolbert09 wrote:Ok I really like this pistol. Went out this morning and put 50 rounds if Sig 380 FMJ 100 grain through it and about 25 rounds of Remington 380 FMJ 95 grain through it. No miscues at all. Recoil is light. The 3 dot white sights are easy to see. The trigger is fairly smooth. Very accurate out to 15 yards. The ladies are going to love it. It’s also a lot lighter than I expected. It feels a lot like the S&W M&P 22 semiauto. The magazines are easy to load as well. The little tabs on both side make easy to move the rounds down in to the magazine. You get 2 mags with the pistol. Grabagun has them for $369 wth or without the thumb safety. Very nice pistol for that price.
Thanks for the range report.
We were talking about this thread at breakfast this morning. Looking forward to more range reports.