Pariah3j wrote:This year's panel of distinguished speakers will explore the tensions between individual rights and community responsibility in the charged area of preventing gun violence. The discussion will be provocative and balanced, no matter what political beliefs you hold.
This panel doesn't appear to be balanced at all, I mean I know Texas Gun Sense is libtarded, its right there on their 'About Texas Gun Sense' page. I don't know enough about 'Texas Call to Action' and can't find anything on them googling but I'll take a wild guess. A sociology teacher from UT and 2 faith based individuals - 1 of which is suppose to be the Moderator... Where is an NRA or recognized Pro 2A group being represented ? This feels like a typical left move, where they are flat out lying and putting a spin on things to seem 'fair and balanced'. I'm guessing Community Responsibility must be the new way to put 'guns scare me so you are infringing on my rights'. </rant>
The host, Emanu-El Temple, is active in anti-gun agenda, so the moderator from the temple isn't going to be neutral. I'm sure it's fair and balanced in their minds, but not to anyone who doesn't think their way.
Maybe if there was a local panelist like Colion Noir or Dana Loesch to represent the "individual rights" side.