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by WarHawk-AVG
Tue May 05, 2009 10:57 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: What would you have done...?
Replies: 25
Views: 3349

Re: What would you have done...?

a. Spare key cut at Lowes and a magnetic "hide a key" under lip of bed of truck
I learned the hard way...that $3-5 little addon would have saved me over $80 to get a tow driver to pop the lock on my truck...which would have also allowed you to at least open your truck (which helps in case you accidentally lock your keys in the truck!)

b. Sounds like Infinity guy has used this ploy to get lawsuits and get money to buy the Infinity he is driving..I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to go after the church insurance as well!

c. Remember (from the Buick o truth) when firing thru a car windshield (outside to inside) aim high, the bullet deflects downwards (more for smaller rounds), so aiming at his head/neck would have put the rounds center mass (if you would have aimed center mass the rounds will probably hit him in the gut and not hit a vital and stop him)

d. Thank God they made it to your location before he stopped them

e. Since he put in his report he was leaving the late night service you have him for lying and making a false report!

F. Lawyer up and good luck!

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