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by Hyunchback
Sun Feb 03, 2008 6:41 pm
Forum: Books & Videos
Topic: Review: Unintended Consequences
Replies: 29
Views: 17949

Re: Review: Unintended Consequences

anygunanywhere wrote:
Everyone who values their RKBA should read UC.



by Hyunchback
Sun Feb 03, 2008 6:19 pm
Forum: Books & Videos
Topic: Review: Unintended Consequences
Replies: 29
Views: 17949

Review: Unintended Consequences

Unintended Consequences by John Ross is one of the most important works of fiction to be released.

Like many works of fiction it holds more truth than any work of non-fiction.

The book begins in San Antonio as Adolph Topperwien sets a world record for aerial shooting. This is the first of many examples of the "gun culture" mentioned by the author. Soon other characters, both fictional and real, join together weaving stories more complex than any movie plot into a compelling story.

The central protagonist is Henry Bowman, a man of unusual talents and of resolute action. His unique lifetime of skills come into play when the BATF decides to frame him and his friends. This sets into motion the book's climactic sequence that will keep you turning pages faster and faster.

This book will not convert an anti-gunner. No single book would, fact or fiction.

Don't buy it hoping to convert someone in your life. Buy it to educate yourself on the history of our modern world and why the 2nd amendment is more important now than ever.

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