Application: 3/26/16
Fingerprints: 3/25/16
CHL-100: 3/26/16
Received confirmation of receipt: 3/26/16
Status Changed: 5/5/16
Plastic Received: Imminent?
I called on 5/3/16. The hold time was reported at 27 minutes, so I opted for callback. Fifteen minutes later, I got the return call. I apologized for piling on and I know they're probably sick to death of calls asking for status. I appreciate the work they do, etc. I called with a more-bees-with-honey approach -- well, the woman on the phone could not have been nicer. She told me my app was complete (without going into specifics) and that I should expect card in 15 working days or so. This morning 5/5/16 my site status changed, now showing Change of Address, Lost or stolen, etc.) so I'm hoping to see a surprise in the next day or so, based on what I've been seeing here. Bit of a shmooze? You bet. Did it work? Unknown, but it sure can't hurt. Looking around, seems May 5 is a red letter day for a lot of people. Congrats and good luck, all.
"I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."
(Isaiah 6:8)