I agree with you completely, it probably doesn't take very long to pull. I was giving whoever DPS hires to do BG checks the benefit of doubt. I'm sure they are certain circumstances but for the most part it seems like an easy process. I think we have to fight to get these guys better funding.rexmitchell wrote:Knowing how easy it is to get all the information required from the background check either online, or with a phone call or two, I think you are overshooting what is actually required. All of those records are public information, short of a medical issue. A BG check shouldn't take more than a few minutes to complete, reviewing may take a little longer but realistically how long, an hour or two?
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- Mon May 02, 2016 9:53 am
- Forum: The "Waiting Room"
- Topic: How long does the background check last?
- Replies: 15
- Views: 23750
Re: How long does the background check last?
- Mon May 02, 2016 8:06 am
- Forum: The "Waiting Room"
- Topic: How long does the background check last?
- Replies: 15
- Views: 23750
Re: How long does the background check last?
I have noticed a difference as well. I started looking at the forum in March and I've noticed the turnaround. They a lot of January and Feb apps have been processed and mailed already. The background check is extensive, like you said 21 requirements. Considering that they have to send off for your BG check, someone has to process that BG check, someone has to review that BG check, then someone has to approve the BG check, THEN send it back to DPS (I'm assuming all of this, I have not confirmed it). Seems like a lot of hands in the pot, but they are doing a MUCH better job as far as the turnaround.16Adams wrote:When you look at the approx 21 legislative requirements that have to be checked -civil-financial-medical etc) on Each individual application, then take into consideration any follow up time - it would be impossible for "first in first out" or determine a set day. I've been watching the board a few months now and back in January you could bank on it taking 60 business days from "all documents received to your LTC in your mailbox"
It's dropped to around 40-47 business days of late- some quicker some longer.
Personally I believe this is RSD catching up with the triple digit swamp load increase of applications during the Thanksgiving/Christmas-New a Years Holidays, a tragic west coast terrorist attack and the new open carry law. Just my opinion.
As to how long the process within the process of just the 21 items take to investigate that can vary substantially from one individual to another