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by 3dfxMM
Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:23 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: 0 Days to Parking Lot!!!!!!!!!!
Replies: 99
Views: 15239

Re: 0 Days to Parking Lot!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, that is what I am saying. I am also saying that it includes the parking lot unless they are in their car. My company has valid 30.06 signs at every entrance to the property. You can't drive onto our campus without passing one. The best I will be able to do is leave it in the car. They also have a no weapons policy that specifically mentions firearms and ammunition. I haven't seen or heard of any intent to change the policy and communicate it to us.
by 3dfxMM
Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:45 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: 0 Days to Parking Lot!!!!!!!!!!
Replies: 99
Views: 15239

Re: 1 Day to Parking Lot - Poll

C-dub wrote:
3dfxMM wrote:
cowboymd wrote:I'm waiting to see if the current policy is revised and publicized, or if the no guns on property policy just goes away quietly? Also curious to see if the proper 30.06 signs at the entrances of the parking lots disappear.
Nothing about this new law negates those 30.06 signs. They will still make it illegal for you, or anybody else with a CHL, to carry a gun when leaving the car. Thanks to the MPA, the 30.06 signs had no bearing on having a gun in the car. The only thing this law does is prevent some employers from making it against company policy to have a gun in the car.

I do not mean to downplay the importance of this law. It is one of the good ones.
So not true. The posting of a 30.06 sign indicates a policy, for which they are not allowed, by law, to have with regards to employees. That sign is meaning less to employees' vehicles in the parking lot. They could post it to prevent us from carrying in the building, but it is only effective for non-employees in the parking lot. I'm not sure how the law actually interprets the difference, but the sign wouldn't apply to employees.
As I said in my earlier post, the sign will apply to all CHLs once they step out of their car and it will not apply to anyone (assuming MPA eligible) while in their car.
by 3dfxMM
Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:01 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: 0 Days to Parking Lot!!!!!!!!!!
Replies: 99
Views: 15239

Re: 1 Day to Parking Lot - Poll

cowboymd wrote:I'm waiting to see if the current policy is revised and publicized, or if the no guns on property policy just goes away quietly? Also curious to see if the proper 30.06 signs at the entrances of the parking lots disappear.
Nothing about this new law negates those 30.06 signs. They will still make it illegal for you, or anybody else with a CHL, to carry a gun when leaving the car. Thanks to the MPA, the 30.06 signs had no bearing on having a gun in the car. The only thing this law does is prevent some employers from making it against company policy to have a gun in the car.

I do not mean to downplay the importance of this law. It is one of the good ones.

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