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by Flightmare
Sat Apr 07, 2018 1:24 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Employers that allow their employees to carry
Replies: 49
Views: 13845

Re: Employers that allow their employees to carry

My employer has posted in the employee handbook (which we are required to sign a document that we have read and agree to) that firearms are not only prohibited in the buildings, but parking lots as well. The language is not 30.06 or 30.07 compliant, so I am not concerned about violation of tresspass, but they could terminate me if I was caught bringing it into the building. Since we are not one of the defined industries excluded from the parking lot law, state law trumps company policy. Part of me almost WANTS them to try to challenge me on that, but I tend to be a "don't make waves" sort of personality. Our company HQ is outside of the state, which is why I suppose they are not familiar with the Texas specific laws regarding parking lots and compliant signage. Many of the people in the local office are LTCs.

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