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by Mark
Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:52 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: AD in Houston City Limits Question
Replies: 14
Views: 3021

I would think that there are so many gun shot discharges in Houston, Harris county, that if there was an AD either; 1. No one would call in, it is a typical day in Houston, 2. No one was around to hear it, 3. Someone would call it in but the call would get so backlog in the system a patrolman might show up 4-6 hours later to listen for gun fire, I really don’t think the sound is going to hang around until they arrive.

If you don’t kill some one, or your self then consider yourself the luckiest person alive, run out and buy a lottery ticket, today is you luckiest day.

On a more seriously note, this is what I would do after the AD. Be responsible. Safely secure my gun. Imminently with out delay, follow the path of the bullet, go to my neighbors, out into the street, next building over, might be upstairs, down stairs. Knock on there door and announce who I am, and my business. I would image how I would act if I heard a gun shot, then a short time someone knocked on my door. I would say something along the line "This is your neighbor from apt 123 (or 321 somewhere dr), I had an accidental gun discharge and wanted to make sure everyone was ok" I would then wait a minute or so to give them time to get to the door, and scope me out. If I thought someone was home, but they did not answer the door, then I would not delay in calling 911 and report it. I would let a police officer or fire dept determine if the shot hit someone. I worry if I broke into some ones apartment/house, just after a gun shot, I would be the next statistic. Look here is what I think is the bottom line. I would not worry myself with the cops, I would worry it hit some one else. If it did, I would want to testify that I took immediate action to preserve live. They are going to trace the bullet back to where it came from, it live a very big hole and is 100% traceable. If you hit someone, you are going to jail, and going the case is going to a grand jury guaranteed. On the other hand if no one was hurt. I would pay for any damages to property.

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