Has a service man robbed you? My guess is no.Right2Carry wrote:Did the homeowner rob you? My guess is no.RPBrown wrote:Read the whole post please. As stated, I was also robbed outside a customers HOME in broad daylight as well. This happened only 5 years ago. Now, I admit that it WAS NOT in the house, it was close enough for me.I have asked several times for statistics that prove service personel are at a high risk of being attacked in a homeowners house, so far nothing. Well there was one person on here who was robbed in a parking lot of a business over 30 years ago, not sure that qualifies as being robbed inside a residence..
Again, if posted or verbally informed, I will comply of course.
But if a service man obeys your "notice" (to keep your kid from grabbing his gun), and is robbed between your house and his truck, I guess that's just his tough luck, eh?