I don't believe the article mentioned with what type of gun she was shot.stevie_d_64 wrote:Isn't the nominal load for a 12 ga. 00 buck, 8-9 .32 caliber shot???
And she caught two of those in the face...Lucky lady, or bad shot by the BeeGee's...I'm leaning to bad shot...
As for nominal loads... I've got my shotgun set up so that the first two shots are No.8 shot (2-3/4"). At "bedroom" range, that's going to impact just like a slug, but the No.8 is far less likely to over-penetrate, or to cause injury if it does go through an interior wall.
The rest of the magazine is No.4 Buck (3"). I don't see any reason to go with larger shot than 4B, especially not through an 18" bbl with a cylinder choke. It combine plenty of impact power with reasonable pattern density out to 30 yards.
I plan to put some slugs in the slip-on shell carrier, but only after I've had a chance to practice sighting with slugs. And probably after the addition of fiber optic or luminescent ghost ring sights.