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by KBCraig
Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:11 pm
Forum: Goals for 2007
Topic: What I would like to see
Replies: 40
Views: 29384

Flatland2D wrote:Storage lockers would presumably required that someone watch the lockers constantly. And even so, how would they know that the person taking the gun out is the same one who left it?
Key-retaining locks. Just like airports used to have. The key can't be removed until the locker is closed and locked, then the person takes the key. Only the person with the key can open the locker.

by KBCraig
Sun Nov 05, 2006 8:19 pm
Forum: Goals for 2007
Topic: What I would like to see
Replies: 40
Views: 29384

Re: discrimination

switch wrote:We restrict discrimination against race, religion, sex, weight, etc. etc.
And those restrictions are unconstitutional, and contrary to a free society.

Why do we allow discrimination against a constitutional guarantee of a god given right?
Wrong question. The question should be, "Why do we deny property owners their right to discriminate?" Are you only concerned with carrying a gun on private property? Because if you are, there is a long list of the government actually denying people their rights. Property owners can't deny you any rights, because they can't compel you to obey. Government can, and does.

Racism and bigotry and evil and repugnant, but laws forbidding them are even more evil and repugnant.

by KBCraig
Sun Nov 05, 2006 6:49 pm
Forum: Goals for 2007
Topic: What I would like to see
Replies: 40
Views: 29384

Re: gov restrictions on business

switch wrote:The 2nd says 'shall not be infringed'. Right now, they just apply that to the Feds (let's not even talk about the NFA :cry: )

Why does it NOT apply to private citizens? Why can my boss/neighbor etc. infringe my God - given right?
Your neighbor has no authority over you. How exactly would he go about denying your 2A rights? Or do you mean a neighbor who doesn't want you on his property or in his house while armed? In that case, he has every right to declare who may enter and under what terms. If you want to carry anyway, you're seeking to deny his right to control his property.

Unless you are somehow compelled by law to go to his house, then doing so is voluntary. If you don't want to go unarmed, then don't go!

Same with your boss: a private entity --even your boss-- has no authority over you that you have not voluntarily agreed to. You're free to change neighbors or bosses at any time. You're not free to dictate to them that you're going to carry on their property whether they like it or not.

by KBCraig
Sun Oct 29, 2006 6:13 pm
Forum: Goals for 2007
Topic: What I would like to see
Replies: 40
Views: 29384

Re: What I would like to see

cxm wrote: 2. Modify 30.06 to require any public accomodation that wants to post to provide secure lockers for storage of firearms.
No, just adjust the laws so that it is simple trespass. No enhancers for having a CHL and weapon.

The enhanced penalties were why it was so critical to pass 30.06, requiring large and unmistakable signage.


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