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by DoubleJ
Wed May 18, 2011 5:36 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Are you a culture-less barbarian?
Replies: 70
Views: 11579

Re: Are you a culture-less barbarian?

They are so "cultured" and read such wonderful works of literacy, but I guarantee you not of those hoplophobes has read To Ride, Shoot Straight, and Speak The Truth. And yet, they try to espouse this air of (oh, no, I'm gon' say it) elitism.

You see folks, this is what I'm surrounded by in the greater Seattle area. "Oh, you poor uneducated, country bumpkin and your antiquated ways."
My own girlfriend (don't any of you say a word) even wrote off my gun totin' ways as just some by-product of PTSD.
She later told me that the Bill of Rights was just "some guy's" ideas on what rights were...

this is the pervasive viewpoint up here. It makes mah head numb...

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