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by DoubleJ
Wed Sep 03, 2008 3:37 pm
Forum: Federal - 2008
Topic: Does Palin have a dark secret?
Replies: 112
Views: 17891

Re: Does Palin have a dark secret?

srothstein wrote:I am glad to see people with 5 children, or coming from a small family like that, posting in about NathanJK's opinion.

Of course, being the 4th child out of six, I should not comment too much. Being the father of 7 means I get to joke about 5 being too small a family.

Seriously, Nathan, I am not sure of your post. When i first read it, I took it as tongue-in-cheek. After all, how can anyone really care that much about how many kid sshe has or what to name them? With some of the others taking it seriously, I have to wonder if I was wrong. Sometimes, I read sarcasm into comments because I would be that way.

So, do you support Palin or not? Personally, I think she is the best of the four names on the main ticket, President or VP.
I as well. Being as his name is Nathan Just Kidding (or at least that's the way I read it.)

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