When I read through the memo, I thought there was a reference to many group members belonging to a "sexual minority" and, therefore, more likely to be targeted.puma guy wrote:Yes, I was posting in jest. I should have included an emoticon. NJ makes it difficult for anyone to get a CCL regardless of good cause or need OR the Second Amendment. A police chief can decide you don't need a license, since NJ is a "may Issue" state. Maybe the Pink Pistol group can get it done in NJ.MikeyJ wrote:As far as the case goes, the "good cause" specified by the plaintiff was the Second Amendment, not membership in Pink Pistols.puma guy wrote:Do they have a chapter in New Jersey?
NJ would be a good test case, though. Chris Christie claims to want to remove the "good cause" requirement but the democrat controlled legislature won't budge. I don't know if the 3rd Circuit has already ruled on a challenge to the "good cause" requirement, though, or how vigorously the NJ AG would defend the requirement.