I don't think I would. I would be under cover, aiming at chest level with my finger on the trigger... but I don't think I would shoot until they breached the door.Molon_labe wrote:Badguy breaks into house...you corral your family into your bedroom, lock the door.Sangiovese wrote:I can't think of a single situation in which I would fire through a closed door. Far too many chances for mistakes.
Call the police, yell thru the door, I am armed, I have called the police, leave now or I will shoot you
Someone starts physically attacking your bedroom door, hitting it, kicking it, the door is slowly giving way
Maybe in the stress of the moment I would, but my plan is to wait. I guess I just have a thing for being able to see my target.
I will concede that an interior door is a different animal than an exterior door. Much less chance of a miss hitting an innocent... and a much more clearly defined threat toward your family. I would not think that someone who chose to shoot through an interior door in a situation like you described was negligent - but personally I doubt that I would make that decision.