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by 16Adams
Sat May 07, 2016 2:46 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Need suggestion on how to proceed
Replies: 32
Views: 8220

Re: Need suggestion on how to proceed

I think they need to bring back civics and can social studies. Texas state agencies can't F*rt without the legislature telling them which cheek to raise. When a person calls in and complains to a lawmaker or the executive branch they are complaining to them about them. DPS just keeps building a mansion with nothing but a hammer.

A perfect storm of anti 2A rhetoric on a national level coupled with terrorist events everybody slammed DPS with LTC apps before during and after the 2015 Holiday season. DPS is running in a budget set a couple years prior to that.

When I first joined this board apps where running 60-75 business days. Based on some that have posted their timelines its Down around 44-48 business days. Some quicker some longer. Some ahead some behind others- again when you look at what must be checked it's obvious all in all out on the same day is not going to happen.

I actually wish Texas was constitutional carry with the same right to carry anywhere a Texas Peace officer can. I also want world peace, probably not going to get either wish.

DPS is getting them out quicker, be patient, it will come b

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