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by Jusme
Fri Jun 21, 2019 8:49 pm
Forum: National Rifle Association
Topic: NRA Threads and Bogus Attacks
Replies: 16
Views: 45544

Re: NRA Threads and Bogus Attacks

Thanks Charles. I have stayed out of any discussions, here because, I never take any press reports at face value. I also know, that "inside sources" are more than likely plants, who have no more information, than the guy washing windows.
In fighting happens within any organization, but members, who are not on the inside, should not use it, as a way to denigrate an organization, with the track record of the NRA.
I don't know details, I'm not sure if I'm entitled to details, at this point, but I agree, the forces, hoping to destroy the NRA, are doing everything they can to not only spread disinformation, but work to divide us.
I will be standing by silently, awaiting the outcome of all litigation, but, will continue to financially support, the main organization, between us, and tyrannical gun grabbers. JMHO

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