Liberty wrote:I think a lot of it is urban vs rural rather than haves and have nots. I grew up pretty poor, but we lived in the boonies in a rural area. Fishing gardens and a little small game were methods of feeding ourselves. A local turkey farmer would pay us a little bit for killing rats, foxes and feral dogs (stalking or attacking his turkeys. We learned at a pretty young age that guns were a tool. We knew neighbors, good people that had guns they hunted and protected their livestock. Bad guys with guns were only in the movies or TV.
City kids get taught that guns are for gangs members and bad guys. That guns are to be avoided.
I think Liberty has hit it pretty close to the truth. Most urban area people, believe that guns are to blame for the violence they see on the news and in their neighborhoods. They then tend to look to the liberal politicians, to help save them, and in doing so, buy into the rhetoric that if guns are taken off the streets, they will be safe. That trend is changing, as people begin to understand that they, not politicians, or even the police can protect them all the time.
Detroit, is a great example, since they passed concealed carry laws, there, the crime rate has dropped, and more inner city people are standing up for themselves. They are also reclaiming the city that liberal politics almost turned into a ghost town.
There will always be those who fear what they don't understand, or believe to be evil, but there is a changing mindset.
People like Colion Noir, are doing a great job of educating inner city, folks about how the first gun control laws were passed to prevent freed slaves from retaliating against former slave owners. And that the 2A applies to everyone. As more people educate themselves through social media, and stay away from MSM, they will come to realize the lies they have been told. JMHO