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by Jusme
Wed Feb 08, 2017 11:39 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Community College Campus Carry
Replies: 20
Views: 5119

Re: Community College Campus Carry

WTR wrote:We have a lot of panty waists who were whineing about guns on campus. The Preident made a PC statement to show he was sympathetic and with them. We will see what actually occurs come August. CC at UTEP has been a stealer example of what a non issue CC is.

There have been no issues anywhere, including UT, where they were sure that professors were going to be shot on a weekly basis. I doubt, very many junior colleges, have the budget to defend themselves in court if they are non-compliant.
by Jusme
Wed Feb 08, 2017 11:04 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Community College Campus Carry
Replies: 20
Views: 5119

Re: Community College Campus Carry

WTR wrote:The President of the local CC out here stated carry would not be allowed anywhere on campus.

If it is a tax funded CC, it is in direct violation of the law. If it is a private school then they can "opt out" But even then, they can't designate the entire campus, only the buildings.
by Jusme
Wed Feb 08, 2017 9:34 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Community College Campus Carry
Replies: 20
Views: 5119

Re: Community College Campus Carry

Most 4 year universities were fairly compliant and consistent with their implementation policies, some more than others. Texas A&M did a very good job in making carry as free as possible. UT after a lot of contentious bickering among students and staff did what would consider a fair job.

You will probably just have to "wait and see" before sending emails, but the main bone of contention I have seen with 2 year colleges, is their erroneous assumption, that classes being taken by high school students should be prohibited, for carry.
I am somewhat surprised that 2 year colleges are just now working on their proposed policies, since they have had more time to do so.

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