mm3815 wrote:Sorry I know this is an old post this however affects me as well as other students that live in the ctc dorms. I currently live in the dorms and plan to get my LTC in the fall. When i saw the draft for the campus carry policy i personally emailed CHeif of CTC Police about only being able to carry in common areas and not in our personal rooms and this was here reply. "To answer your question about our draft policy restricting the carrying of concealed handguns to only common areas of the dorm; this is for the safety and protection of the majority of dorm students who are not of age to obtain a handgun license and who may be paired with rooming with a handgun license holder; and the possibility of a handgun being stolen from a license holders dorm room. CTC has no plans to purchase or have gun safes mounted in the dorm for the storage of handguns. Our policy, which is still in draft form, follows the trend of Universities in Texas who have already adopted similar policies for weapons in their dormitories.
Thank you for your inquiry." so why can we not get our own safes and do it that way there have been a number of instances where I felt unsafe and they do not even allow pocket knives per the handbook.
Thanks sorry for any mistakes this is my first post
Welcome to the forum!
This seems to be the prevailing attitude with college administrators. My thought is, why worry about the theft of a handgun, and put the onus on the LTC holder. Shouldn't thieves be weeded out?
I would push the powers that be, to allow you to purchase your own safe. If theft is a major problem, what steps do they take to protect the student's other valuables? A gun is no more valuable than a $500.00 high school class ring.
You may have to become an advocate, and recruit other like minded students to get you voice heard. Also contact the representatives for your area. The law was passed by the legislators, and they can apply pressure to the college.
Good luck and keep us updated.