JALLEN wrote:There is another factor, as yet unmentioned that I have seen, that a great many of us, especially my age and older, were raised to avoid knowingly breaking the law, respecting the law whether we happened to approve of it or not.
Example, residing in California, I scrupulously avoided having any weapons defined in those statutes as illegal assault weapons. I didn't even leave the house in my car without my drivers license. I would never carry a pistol except in strict compliance with the statutes, unloaded, in a case, locked in the trunk, etc. until I had my carry permit in my hand, and never without it. I avoided robbing banks, throwing litter on the highways, illegal handicapped parking, illegal subdivision of land, selling real estate without a license, charging usurious interest, public drunkenness (albeit with occasionally imperfect results), whacky tabacky, unconsented to sex, especially with minors, all kinds of homicides, and a whole list of acts and omissions the State of California is pleased to define as criminal.
Had I been caught and convicted, I would have immediately lost all the licenses I had worked hard to acquire, and my mother would have died humiliated. It would be very, very difficult to overcome the habits of a lifetime to suddenly defy the law, however wrong headed.
I think we as LTC holders, and lovers of this great country, all try to be as law abiding as possible, do I occasionally exceed posted speed limits? Sure, but like you I never would dream of doing anything to lose my rights, whether it is my right to own firearms,, vote, or even the ability to look a my family in the eye and know that I had not let them down in some way. That being said, I think all of us have a tipping point at which we will no longer give in to the law, especially when we know that it flies in the face of the principals, that the framers of the Constitution, set down as an example of what a free society really is.
I agree with TAM, in that, I don't foresee a massive gun confiscation as ever being a successful venture, for anyone in this country, for all of the reasons he listed, as well as the fact that, the entire idea would be soundly defeated with the checks and balances still in place within our Federal government.
I do believe that Hitlery will do everything she can to continue to erode the rights of gun owners, and will, if elected put SCOTUS members in place that will try and assist her, but she will still have to deal with Congress, and If we can continue to root out the left, and their co-conspirators dressed in Republican suits, her efforts will continue to be thwarted, just as Barrack Hussein's have been. At least that is my prayer, but as TAM stated, we can only choose our battles, we can't know God's will, so if He sees fit to allow her to come to power, we will have to Gird our Loins in anticipation of long protracted battles, not with guns and IEDs but with our votes and voices, and never give in no matter how much we may be branded as criminal, by her minions.
And, if I am wrong, and there does come a day when troops, or contractors, show up at my door to try to disarm me, then that's when my voice and votes will no longer matter.I may go down fighting, but I will know that what I died for was the right things, and that will be all of the comfort I will need.JMHO