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by Jusme
Wed Jul 11, 2018 6:30 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms
Replies: 288
Views: 69789

Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms

My question to these idiots, has always been, what kept guns out of their classrooms before campus carry took effect? If they answered, the law, I would then want to know, if they believed, only law abiding citizens, would suddenly, began shooting professors over opinions?
These same students, who followed the law, by not bringing guns to class (and that is only conjecture, since there is no proof) will obviously continue to follow, the law, and not shoot professors over differing opinions.
Time is against these litigants, since it has been almost two years since the law went into effect, and there has not been one incident, at any Texas university, where an LTC holder, has shot, or even threaten to shoot a professor.
by Jusme
Wed Sep 21, 2016 12:32 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms
Replies: 288
Views: 69789

Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms

Pawpaw wrote:
LucasMcCain wrote:I like some of Ray LaMontagne's music, but after that statement he won't be getting any more of my money.

It smells a little of a deliberate setup, but it could also be a pro 2A student just trying to get a rise out of the liberals. While I can certainly understand that mindset, it's really not appropriate at this time. We need campus carry to be as much of a non-event as open carry has been.
I disagree. With very very few exceptions, anyone who is legal to carry is over 21. I will submit that they know better than to do something like that.

To me, this smells of some anti-campus carry "activist" planting cases to get some bad press, knowing who the liberal media will pin it on.


Campus carry has been a non-issue except for those who are against it. The issue is dead as far as the media is concerned, so the only way to keep the spotlight on their temper tantrum is to create, animosity where none exists.
by Jusme
Wed Sep 21, 2016 9:48 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms
Replies: 288
Views: 69789

Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms

bblhd672 wrote:
Papa_Tiger wrote:More fodder for the lawsuit: ... d-for-him/ ... m-referral

I wonder who it was who placed the casings? Someone for campus carry or someone opposed trying to fan the flames of dissent?
My bet would be on the "honorable" opposition. Seems very suspicious that one professor found two of the casings. On a side note what does a "rhetoric professor" teach?

As far as the liberal activist and the singer/songwriter - I'm glad they cancelled. The less liberals on campus indoctrinating instead of educating the better.


One "Rhetoric" professor finds 2 shell casings? She must really have an eye for those things! :confused5
by Jusme
Mon Sep 05, 2016 6:29 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms
Replies: 288
Views: 69789

Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms

v7a wrote:Case update:

Because the Plaintiffs amended their complaint, the Defendants have withdrawn their previously filed Motions to Dismiss and are planning to file new Motions to Dismiss by September 12th.

I hope that when they lose, the.three professors have to pay all court costs and attorney's fees to both the State, and UT.
by Jusme
Wed Aug 24, 2016 2:26 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms
Replies: 288
Views: 69789

Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms

TXBO wrote:
Jusme wrote:
TXBO wrote:
TexasTornado wrote:
TXBO wrote:I'm generally for less law but I hope I don't have to live in a society that observes no obscenity laws. Where will it end?
It would end with people observing their individual freedoms and living their lives based on their own morals and religion, unbothered by overly sensitive politically correct insistence on conformity to another individuals personal comfort zone.
I see. If we are all to live by our own personal morality, what's the purpose of government?

..... Everyone's freedoms end where someone else's begin, meaning you can live your life as you deem fit, but you can't force me to live that way. I have my belief system, and moral compass, but if yours point a different way, as long as it doesn't force me to change, there is no issue.
Ah but that's your personal morality. What about the people that don't believe that? You don't want to remove government from morality, you want government to only enforce your morality your morality.

Not true, I don't want my government to enforce any morality. I want to be free to live my life based on my morality, and not have anyone try to take that away from me or force me into a different belief system. As I said, your freedom ends where mine begins, I will never try to force someone to believe the way I do. I will discuss beliefs with them, I will debate things with them, but if we have to agree to disagree, so be it. If I choose to display my beliefs on my house, or vehicle, then you have every right to do the same, and I won't try to stop you or try to get my government to forbid you from doing so. I don't want laws that intrude upon your freedoms any more than I want them to intrude upon mine. The government should be neutral, and should strictly adhere to the Constitution.

If my morality/moral compass says that it is OK to steal from you, then that is where I have overstepped my freedom, because you have the right to your property. The same is true with any crimes against persons. The Individual's freedom is tantamount, and is prohibited, only,when it intrudes on another individual's freedom.
by Jusme
Wed Aug 24, 2016 2:02 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms
Replies: 288
Views: 69789

Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms

TreyHouston wrote:
TexasTornado wrote:
Jusme wrote:I don't think these have been amended or repealed. I think that was the reason for the "protest" in the first place because according to the Texas Penal Code, it is illegal to display these items in public, but handguns are now legal.
No one will be charged or arrested, especially in the liberal bastion that is Austin.
Nor should they be....maybe a generational difference. I think "these items" (seriously can we not be adults and just say it?) should be a much more open discussion. I mean a 12 year old can buy condoms but one must be 18 to experiment privately...and we wonder why teen pregnancy rates are what they are...but I digress..

I don't think many college students are going to be offended and make a complaint with the police due to the display. More likely they will be curious or amused or both.

I lived for 4 years in PA in my mid 20's and Toy parties are VERY popular! They even have party classes to teach guys and girls different... Personal techniques. People are very open with their sexuality. Here in Texas is a very different story. Good/bad I can't say, just different! But i can say that talking about it and not being ashamed grows confidence in who YOU ARE!

Here is the only article i could find on that case I referenced. ( I don't usually quote CNN) I can't find anything on the final resolution, but it was big news in Johnson County at the time. I think there was mention made that wouldn't be able to seat a jury who wouldn't be guilty of the same charges. :mrgreen:
by Jusme
Wed Aug 24, 2016 1:57 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms
Replies: 288
Views: 69789

Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms

TXBO wrote:
TexasTornado wrote:
TXBO wrote:I'm generally for less law but I hope I don't have to live in a society that observes no obscenity laws. Where will it end?
It would end with people observing their individual freedoms and living their lives based on their own morals and religion, unbothered by overly sensitive politically correct insistence on conformity to another individuals personal comfort zone.
I see. If we are all to live by our own personal morality, what's the purpose of government?

The purpose of government is to be governed only so much as we allow ourselves to be. We can't demand religious freedom, and then want to restrict other's religious freedoms. We can't demand freedom of expression, but want to limit it for those who we disagree with. Everyone's freedoms end where someone else's begin, meaning you can live your life as you deem fit, but you can't force me to live that way. I have my belief system, and moral compass, but if yours point a different way, as long as it doesn't force me to change, there is no issue.

That is the very thing these professors were trying to do. They don't like guns, so they want to restrict someone else from having them. If they said we don't like guns, so we won't carry them, that is no problem.
by Jusme
Wed Aug 24, 2016 11:45 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms
Replies: 288
Views: 69789

Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms

TexasTornado wrote:
Jusme wrote:I don't think these have been amended or repealed. I think that was the reason for the "protest" in the first place because according to the Texas Penal Code, it is illegal to display these items in public, but handguns are now legal.
No one will be charged or arrested, especially in the liberal bastion that is Austin.
Nor should they be....maybe a generational difference. I think "these items" (seriously can we not be adults and just say it?) should be a much more open discussion. I mean a 12 year old can buy condoms but one must be 18 to experiment privately...and we wonder why teen pregnancy rates are what they are...but I digress..

I don't think many college students are going to be offended and make a complaint with the police due to the display. More likely they will be curious or amused or both.

I have no problem discussing anything, of an adult nature, in an adult manner, however, a family friendly forum, might not be the best platform. I agree, that trying to legislate things that harm no one, is a bad decision. These laws were put in place decades ago, when discussing such things was forbidden, and I have no problem with them being amended or repealed. The last time that I know of someone being charged for violation of these laws, was actually, in Johnson County, and the case was thrown out, and the arresting officer was made to look pretty stupid.
As Bob Dylan said, "Times They Are A'Changin"
If people want to protest archaic laws, that's their right. But they seem more interested in protesting gun rights, than trying to change other laws. They haven't petitioned the legislature to amend or repeal. They obviously don't have the numbers of protestors to even be noticed, and are only using the hype of Campus Carry to even get a mention in the papers. JMHO
by Jusme
Tue Aug 23, 2016 4:54 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms
Replies: 288
Views: 69789

Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms

I don't think these have been amended or repealed. I think that was the reason for the "protest" in the first place because according to the Texas Penal Code, it is illegal to display these items in public, but handguns are now legal.
No one will be charged or arrested, especially in the liberal bastion that is Austin.
by Jusme
Tue Aug 23, 2016 2:04 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms
Replies: 288
Views: 69789

Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms


Yep rationality and ordinary intelligence, are, I suppose, not a common commodity in UT professors. :mrgreen:
by Jusme
Tue Aug 23, 2016 1:31 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms
Replies: 288
Views: 69789

Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms

rotor wrote:We are so fortunate that the law banning these sex toys in Texas was eliminated in 2008. They are a true danger to the population and I certainly don't want to see them in the hands of immature college students on campus. Who knows what kind of violence they may lead to. Perhaps there needs to be a size restriction.

Have any professors sued to keep them out of their classrooms? :biggrinjester:
by Jusme
Tue Aug 23, 2016 11:37 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms
Replies: 288
Views: 69789

Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms

nimravus01 wrote:On a related note, (but one that I feel doesn't deserve it's own thread,) the group students against cc, are staging a protest tomorrow at UT Austin. At which, they will be displaying a certain type of lewd object that I'm sure can't be mentioned on this forum. In their minds, openly carrying these objects will somehow demonstrate the "absurdity" [their word] of allowing concealed guns carried to class by LTC holders.

Maybe they will get more participation than the did last time they "protested" in this manner. I think there were only about 25 "protesters" :yawn

I'll bet Mom and Dad are glad to see how their kids are spending their time and extra money. :grumble
by Jusme
Mon Aug 22, 2016 8:11 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms
Replies: 288
Views: 69789

Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms

Ya'll obviously have no sympathy for these three professors, they now must try to teach those controversial topics never knowing if one of the over 21 year old students, fully vetted by the State of Texas, and the, FBI, who proved their proficiency with a handgun, and passed,a,written exam on carry laws and use of force, may suddenly be offended by some socialist manifesto, masquerading as teaching, and start shooting indiscriminately. I'd be surprised if they can even manage to emerge from under their desks to address their first class. :biggrinjester:
by Jusme
Fri Aug 12, 2016 10:42 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms
Replies: 288
Views: 69789

Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms

TexasTornado wrote:
ELB wrote:
Papa_Tiger wrote:
ELB wrote:I thought the rules promulgated by the President (as modified by the Regents) had the force of law once adopted?
Only if provided notice via 30.06:
TPC 46.035 wrote:(a-2) Notwithstanding Subsection (a) or Section 46.03(a), a license holder commits an offense if the license holder carries a handgun on the campus of a private or independent institution of higher education in this state that has established rules, regulations, or other provisions prohibiting license holders from carrying handguns pursuant to Section 411.2031(e), Government Code, or on the grounds or building on which an activity sponsored by such an institution is being conducted, or in a passenger transportation vehicle of such an institution, regardless of whether the handgun is concealed, provided the institution gives effective notice under Section 30.06.
The easiest method to ensure that there is no question of the location being off limits is the posting of a 30.06 sign at each off limits location.
Ah. Saying the notice must be given is a lot different than "it's not even illegal to bring your weapon into areas of campus restricted by policy." I'll will bet that every student and employee will sooner or later be required to sign a statement containing language that meets the statute. They'll post signs as well, but the lack of one will not legally assist anyone who has signed a statement, just non-students/employees.
Restricted by policy is different than restricted by signage.

I'm curious about private institutions. Won't they have to post a 30.06 on every building?

They have to give effective notice, if they don't want to have security, or someone else, stand by a notify everyone when the walk in then yes they will have to post. They can give effective notice to students and staff, through other communications, but for the general public, if there is no sign, then they may assume it is legal to carry.
by Jusme
Thu Aug 11, 2016 5:27 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms
Replies: 288
Views: 69789

Re: Three professors sue UT to keep guns out of their classrooms

Vol Texan wrote:
JALLEN wrote:In some subjects, you are being taught the substance, the how to do it. Accounting comes to mind here. Mathematics below a certain level, maybe engineering.

In other subjects, not so much. You are being exposed to thinking and reasoning. A prof who drones on and in only about orthodoxy, conventional wisdom, is cheating you.

Don't be afraid of ideas. Be afraid of people who urge you to fear ideas, be intolerant of new thoughts, etc. Learn to think for yourself. When you do, you analyze situations, figure out for yourself whether a new idea is helpful or not, unchained from the mind control that others ply you with.
In some instances, I'd tend to agree with you. For instance, I had a 'Texas State and Local Government' prof who was impossible to read his true colors. On any given day, while teaching a certain topic, he'd present it from a completely liberal perspective, and then later on (perhaps another day, perhaps not), he'd present it from a completely conservative perspective. He absolutely gave it his all from both viewpoints, and he did his best to convince us in both instances that the particular viewpoint was 'right and just'. This guy really wanted us to think it through, and challenged everyone's preconceived notions (rather than reinforce one side and challenge only the other).

However, when a prof doesn't do this - when he or she always presents one side as 'right' and the other as 'wrong', I am thoroughly disgusted. They shouldn't be there to indoctrinate young kids and narrow their thinking - rather they should be broadening the thoughts of the students.

I had a high school teacher like that, he was probably the only teacher I had that actually tried to prepare students for college, he taught in a lecture style format, encouraged debate, and could play devil's advocate, no matter which position, you took on the topic. He and I are still friends today, even though, he is a bleeding heart liberal. :mrgreen:

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