Excaliber wrote:If you ever even begin to consider trading in that gem of yours, proceed immediately to the nearest ER and sign yourself up for a checkup from the neckup!Jusme wrote:Thanks for all of the kind words, it looks like the consensus is that I should not contemplate making any changes mate-wise any time soon.
I got a little time on Saturday to play with my new toy, went through the manual, disassembled, cleaned, lubed and reassembled, (not quite as fast as Forrest Gump, but I will practice more) installed the scope, sling, and bipod.
here are some pics:
Congratulations on your anniversary, your choice in women, and your new shootin' iron!
Thanks, people ask me all the time if she is blind, a heavy drinker or just slow. I'm still not sure how I pulled it off, if I was able to do that in business I could have retired a long time ago.
I definitely got a lot more than I deserve with her. It doesn't seem like it's been 20 years, but I look forward to every day yet to come. Thanks to all of y'all ( is that the proper punctuation?) for the kind words and well wishes. Mrs. Jusme has already expressed interest in shooting my anniversary present. I'll post reports as we see how well it shoots.