bbhack wrote:I believe this is the correct explanation. Sign shops do not cold call, doubly especially on churches.These are the tactics of MDA and other Bloomberg worshipers. They have been doing this since before the open carry law came into effect. They have been offering discounted, or sometime free signs, along with threats of boycotts, (probably not for churches) fear mongering with visions of masses of armed hooligans storming into their businesses/churches with "assault" rifles at the ready. This is infuriating for me also, they have even taken out radio ads to promote the signs for sale.
So, who has infiltrated MDA, and knows what's going on for sure? Better not reply in a public forum.
It would be good to be a fly on the wall at their planning sessions. I can't prove it because the only money he has to report, is campaign contributions, but I believe Bloomberg is funding a lot of their activities, when you have unlimited finances, you can purchase a sign company and hire people to call businesses/churches, go door to door passing along false and misleading information etc. and do it all as a non-profit group. There just seems to be way too many boots on the ground for the numbers associated with that group. Again, its just my personal grassy knoll. Thankfully their message is falling on a lot of deaf ears despite the surge in signage. We can only try to fight back by informing business owners, and church leaders of the truth.