Soccerdad1995 wrote:Thanks for the education, everyone. My primary HD weapon is a handgun, but I had always thought of the pistol gripped 12 gauge in my safe as a back-up. After reading everyone's responses, it sounds like I may be better off just keeping a few extra loaded mags next to my 1911.
I like a shotgun for self defense. I have just never been a fan of trying to shoot it with a pistol grip only. I keep one by my bed with a full stock and an 18.5 inch barrel. I have practiced (with dummy loads) tactical reloads in the dark, clearing the house using my mounted light with a momentary switch. And have patterned it from 2 two to 15 yards and know what my POA should be at those distances. I am considering adding a red dot sight, but haven't done so yet. The only drawback to a shotgun, IMHO is the shortage of rounds, mine will hold six plus I have five more in a side saddle, which for most creepy crawlies at night may be sufficient. but I also have my M&P 9 with 18 plus two more 17 round mags available. But the pistol grip on my shotgun just doesn't give me enough confidence to put rounds where I want them consistently. (plus I'm a big sissy and don't like having my wrist take that much punishment)