CHLLady wrote:Laugh all you want, but home invasions with kids home alone are a fact.
Exactly, a lot of potential burglars/home invaders knock or ring the bell to see if the home is occupied. Most children, home alone are trained not to answer the door for anyone, giving the impression of an unoccupied home. I personally would not leave a child home alone that was unable to safely handle a firearm, but that's just me and my wife's decision. My son was trained with b/b guns as a cub scout, a rifle by the time he was 9, and a shotgun at 13. He is now 17 and almost an Eagle Scout and is proficient with all of the firearms we own, knows where they are kept, how to load/unload, and what the procedure is if he is confronted by a situation like this. I have told my son that if possible, to get out of the house and call for help, but also that his life is much more important to his mother and I that an unknown criminal.