While I was waiting on my license to come in, I carried in the house for comfort, etc... Never had a round chambered. Since getting my license and carrying in real world for awhile, I'd never consider not carrying hot. As you go about your daily business, run little scenarios through you brain about having to deploy and use your handgun. At the gas station, grocery store, stopping for a bite to est.... Anything really. You'll likely come to realize that in an actual self-defense scenario, you'll want something to be ready at the precise moment you are. There simply isn't enough time to monkey with the slide IMO. Don't take my word for it though, try it for yourself though.
I carry a Sig p320 (striker fire) in a kydex holster as my EDC and a Sig p238 (SAO mini-1911). Both with rounds in the pipe and 238 "cocked & locked". By now, it's second nature and very comfortable.