It does seem everyone besides white people can claim they are discriminated against and have some "group" or mission. It seems that's all that's all the news lately, black lives matter, gay pride, Muslim's religious freedom, transgender rights etc etc.Countryside wrote:I'm thinking about holding a "not-gay pride white lives matter" parade...or would that be bigoted and racist?
I don't care what color you are, what religion, if you were born man or woman, die your hair green and purple as long as you don't try to push your lifestyle or beliefs down my throat and you follow the rules like everyone else. It seems everyone including the military now caters to everyone's religious dress code or appearance. If you can't shave for religious reasons then a job that has a dress code requiring you to shave isn't the job for you . It's called life and following the rules like everyone else.
Sorry got off subject but we as LTC holders follow the laws are play by the rules but it seems we are the only ones who are. With no one being held accountable for posting not valid signs it will continue. Once someone/someplace is fined and someone fired for allowing not valid signs being posted it won't stop.