Judicial repeal, isn't that kind of like "refusing to participate" in Interstate Commerce, significantly affects Interstate Commerce, and thus subjects one (everyone) to regulation (Wickard v. Filburn, 317 U.S. 111 (1942))
Or the rationale for civil asset forfeiture, based on some old backward monarchy stuff. Somehow it is permissible, under a very clear 4th and 5th amendments, which prohibits such practice. In fact weren't those amendments inspired in part because of that practice?
I learned two or three things in that US and Texas government class. Anything can be legalized with a constitutional amendment. And the guys that interpret and prosecute the law can massage any meaning they want into the law.
You see, the 2nd amendment was really about baking cakes.
The cake is a lie.
But on a serious note, it seems to be very much like Jury Nullification.