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by KLB
Tue Jan 08, 2019 11:08 am
Forum: Self-Defense Reports
Topic: Unfair to use an AR-15 against would-be burglars?
Replies: 41
Views: 12347

Unfair to use an AR-15 against would-be burglars?

I just saw a link to this story, though it's almost two years old. An Oklahoma homeowner kills three night-time burglars. The grandfather of one of the thieves announces that the AR-15 made the fight unfair. ... fair-fight

Now, I can't speak for others, but when I encounter three home invaders in the dark of night, the last thing I want is a fair fight. As they told us at Quantico, when you're fighting for your life, forget about fairness and take every advantage you can get.

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