Is there anyone on here justifying criminal acts committed in connection with playing pokemon or any other video game? Did I miss that?Abraham wrote:Gamers who play at home, wonderful!
Drive a car while 'playing' and cause grief for others, you whoever you may be, should be locked up.
Public nuisance or vandalism and yes, even causing death can't be defended with: Hey man, we were only 'playing' and whining, 'sorry man, didn't mean to cause grief' doesn't cut it.
When you cause grief, I don't care to hear you didn't mean to cause any harm.
Lots of criminals will whine after they do something that results in something plain awful or even tragic in their commision of a criminal act, that "hey man, that wasn't suppose to happen" Uh-huh, but it did...and you're responsible.
Hasn't it already been pointed out that driving while messing with your phone is already a crime that simply needs to be better enforced?
Has there been any case in which someone was not charged with a crime they committed because they said they were just playing a game?
I'm just not sure where you're going with this. I'm not trying to be offensive or anything, I just genuinely do not understand what you're objecting to. I think we all agree that if you commit a crime you should be charged with that crime and held accountable for your actions. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding your post?