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by Lynyrd
Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:19 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Mission Behind Enemy Lines
Replies: 31
Views: 6275

Re: Mission Behind Enemy Lines

ninjabread wrote:I have a work opportunity in California. My gut reaction is to say no thanks, but it will be very good for my career assuming I stay with this company long term.

How bad is the gun situation really?

The rotation would be three to six months. I obviously won't be able to get a permission slip to carry in C-stan but what can I realistically possess "at home" in a corporate apartment? As a non resident, do I have to register any guns I bring in? I did check out calguns but the links are a mess and most of the discussion about bringing in guns is for new residents, not a temporary duty assignment. I understand limiting magazines to 10 rounds or less is safest legally. I understand unloaded and locked container for handguns in a vehicle. What else?

I'll be on the east side of LA County if it matters.
With the housing being paid for, I would go. But even then, the pay should be much higher than here in Texas. Gas and groceries are more out there.

As to guns, how long can you live nekked? "rlol"

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