With the housing being paid for, I would go. But even then, the pay should be much higher than here in Texas. Gas and groceries are more out there.ninjabread wrote:I have a work opportunity in California. My gut reaction is to say no thanks, but it will be very good for my career assuming I stay with this company long term.
How bad is the gun situation really?
The rotation would be three to six months. I obviously won't be able to get a permission slip to carry in C-stan but what can I realistically possess "at home" in a corporate apartment? As a non resident, do I have to register any guns I bring in? I did check out calguns but the links are a mess and most of the discussion about bringing in guns is for new residents, not a temporary duty assignment. I understand limiting magazines to 10 rounds or less is safest legally. I understand unloaded and locked container for handguns in a vehicle. What else?
I'll be on the east side of LA County if it matters.
As to guns, how long can you live nekked?