Yes. Great addition!Flightmare wrote:Don't forget a Gadsden flag!Soccerdad1995 wrote:I've been trying to find a "basket of deplorables" so I can place it on our coffee table. No luck so far. I may just have to make my own.Jusme wrote:Soccerdad1995 wrote:So roughly 1/4 of all Americans are gun owners. And Hillary believes that roughly 1/4 of all Americans are "deplorable".Jusme wrote:Here is the key phrase: About 22 percent of Americans SAY they own guns, compared to 25 percent in the 1994 study. (emphasis mine)
This relates directly to people who won't divulge whether or not they own guns, especially to strangers on the telephone. I have never been asked about gun ownership by any pollsters/survey takers, and wouldn't admit if I were.
Coincidence? I think not.
Yep, anyone who disagrees with her belief in disarming Americans, is deplorable.
Side note: I found some t-shirts on line I may order. Just google deplorable t-shirt and there are several options.
All of these studies are designed to portray gun owners, and 2A supporters as a fringe portion of society, so that they can begin to strip away our rights.
I'm thinking of a basket filled with an NRA card, a copy of the Constitution, and some books by Trump and also by various Conservatives. A big stick up sign in the middle can label the basket.
So far I have everything listed. Just need the basket.