I think you are reading more into the comment than I did. I took it as an acknowledgement that he would not back down from the challenge, not a desire for the conflict.mojo84 wrote:JALLEN wrote:Worse than being imprisoned for possession of a AR15 clone, or a standard magazine?Dave2 wrote:
A 2nd civil war would be disastrous; worse than almost anything else I can think of.Did you overlook this comment or just accept it as being ok? I agree with the rest of the comment but I cannot support looking forward to it as if it some kind of exciting event. There is a difference between acknowledging something and being prepared than gleefully looking forward to it.Bring it on, I cannot wait to fight for the Free States of America
Soccerdad, Appeasement is not what my comment is suggesting. Don't twist what I say for the sake of argument. I am very confident none of them was looking forward to and excited about the "fight". Don't try to claim they were.
The conflict here is caused by people who are trying to take away rights from people. I hate that we have people who want to take away our rights. I wish that people did not have that desire to oppress others in this way. I sincerely wish that we could all live in peace and harmony. I really do. But we simply can't stop all evil people from being evil just by wishing that they were different.
The reality is that there are bad people in this world. One of them gave a campaign speech yesterday where he publicly announced that he wants to take away the rights and freedoms of Americans. And that man currently has the sworn loyalty of the most powerful military in the world. So, as much as we all hate it, our choices may well come down to either some level of appeasement by giving up our rights (which will eventually turn into a complete and total abandonment of all rights) or following the examples of our forefathers and exercising our right to change our system of government. Let's all strive to avoid that eventuality if at all possible, but if it comes to it, then yes I welcome the prospect of a fight precisely because the other alternative is so, so much worse.