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by Soccerdad1995
Fri Dec 17, 2021 12:57 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Denmark: 17 year old girl will be charged for fighting off rapist with illegal weapon-pepper spray
Replies: 30
Views: 6771

Re: Denmark: 17 year old girl will be charged for fighting off rapist with illegal weapon-pepper spray

The most offensive part of this is that the Danish government is telling women that they are essentially obligated to allow themselves to be raped by making it illegal to take reasonable precautions to prevent this act of abhorrent violence, such as arming themselves with a weapon that can be effectively deployed against a physically stronger attacker. A similar message is being sent to the elderly (men and women) and anyone who is not as physically capable as the typical violent criminal.

Weapons equalize the natural differences in physical capabilities between attacker and victim. Take them away and you are condemning the majority of your population to rely solely on chance in hoping to avoid this type of a fate. Considering that a primary reason to establish governments in the first place is to secure our rights and freedoms, this leads to the obvious question of why any people would tolerate a government that actively endangered those very rights and freedoms.
by Soccerdad1995
Wed Jan 27, 2016 6:01 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Denmark: 17 year old girl will be charged for fighting off rapist with illegal weapon-pepper spray
Replies: 30
Views: 6771

Re: Denmark: 17 year old girl will be charged for fighting off rapist with illegal weapon-pepper spray

In Islamic countries, the rape victim would be punished for adultery, so an attempted rape victim would be guilty of attempted adultery I guess. Those "enlightened" countries sure love to punish the victim.

And I am so glad I live in the great republic of Texas.

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