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by JerryK
Sat Oct 29, 2016 1:04 pm
Forum: Federal
Topic: Trump or Clinton--our own poll
Replies: 221
Views: 58882

Re: Trump or Clinton--our own poll

Edited so I don't (offend) some and hurt their feelings on this board. Those 12 should be...

The Ugly Reality of America

Before every election in recent times the usual mantra of screamers show up with their threats to move to Canada if the election goes the "wrong" way. I'll note that there's never been any evidence that any of said screamers have actually emigrated (anywhere) when their preferred candidate has lost, by the way. Miley Cyrus, pack your bags (you know she won't.)

But this election has been a bit different. I don't recall ever hearing people talk openly about, well, less-civil remedies than picking up and leaving. But during this election season I have overhead such things.

Let's cut the crap on that, eh? A nation has the right vote itself into ruin, and neither I or you have have a right to overturn such a decision by force.

Yes, if Hillary is elected, then the nation will have voted itself into ruin. This is a woman who has clearly broken the law as Secretary of State, she has literally erected the middle finger at both Congress and the FBI on national television, intentionally and falsely stating that the FBI found she did "nothing wrong."

She has covered for President Obama who also lied about her "private" email server and his knowledge of same, which we now know due to the leak of Podesta's emails. And by the way, any of those emails from the "big cloud" people can be shown to be authentic because many of them have DKIM keys associated with them that will not validate if the text is tampered with. The reason Podesta has not said the emails are in fact false is that he knows they're real and he probably knows that can be proved, too.

This is a woman who has intentionally, knowingly and repeatedly sold this nation and its secrets to the highest bidder, many of whom are both foreign and have foreign and domestic policies that are anathema to what America stands for. These are nations that have no respect for woman and do not even allow them a driver license, that imprison or even murder gay people, and who have been complicit (or worse) in acts of international terrorism. The "deals" include selling a material percentage of United States uranium resources to Russia. This is a woman who during her time as Secretary of State ruined two nations (Libya and Syria), literally, appears to have conspired to illegally arm rebels in foreign lands (which I remind you got Oliver North in a ton of trouble) and when that went sideways her actions and inactions -- both intentional -- got Ambassador Stevens killed, probably because if he lived and talked she was going to prison for the rest of her life.

Her "private server" was set up for the simple reason that Hillary was interested in attempting to evade FOIA requests in the future, which stands as proof of criminal intent in the first instance. That records were destroyed after requests for them had been made and even after subpoenas were issued is now known fact, and such an act is a federal offense (obstruction of justice.) To merely decide on your own what is and is not a work record and thus subject to government requirements is standing alone impermissible; such a decision is simply not within your sphere of control as a government employee.

As further evidence of her malfeasance and intentional activity stands the fact that the server was insecure and incompetent people were running it. Why? Because nobody who is competent and/or had the necessary experience to the job well and correctly would accept it (like myself), since nobody with actual competence would be so star-struck as to ignore the very real risk of going to prison simply for the "benefit" of said association and/or contract.

We have since discovered that none of this was accident, none of this was a surprise, Podesta was well-aware of all of it long before the primaries and in fact was going bananas over Obama's denial of knowledge. Further, we now know that the campaign coordinated activity with so-called "independent" SuperPacs, by the on-video admission of those who did so -- a further violation of federal law, and said persons have stated that Hillary herself approved their actions.

And now, just yesterday, we discovered that Weiner, the husband of Clinton's top aide, apparently had some of those emails on a machine seized by the FBI as part of a "sexting" investigation linking him to an underage girl. May I remind you that transport of any sensitive information to unauthorized places and devices owned by said persons is illegal? The outrageous national security risk of placing said data in the hands of someone who apparently has committed a serious offense involving sex and minors, which by definition places said data where it can be exposed to our national enemies through blackmail, is exactly why those laws and regulations exist and why everyone who violates them must be prosecuted without exception and the FBI's refusal to do so previously must be reversed -- even if your name is "Clinton", and even if it is less than two weeks before an election!

None of this is "small ball", "normal" political animus or inconsequential. There was actual violence at some of those rallies, one was prevented from occurring entirely (what is the First Amendment, folks?) and there was nothing spontaneous about any of it -- it was all engineered, paid for and sponsored by Clinton, Inc. from the first act onward.

That there is even 10% of the voting-age population of this nation that can contemplate placing this woman in the White House is frightening. We already know that the First Amendment will die on the day of her inauguration; she's already proved this by intentionally silencing political dissent through paid thugs committing violence during the campaign. We know the Second Amendment will die next, and that foreign influence, including muslim radicals, will further infiltrate our government, our way of life and our nation. In addition she has the entirety of social media and the press covering for her; from the day of her inauguration forward your Facebook activity, Twitter, Instagram and everything else will be scoured, exactly as has been done with Yahoo's services under "secret wraps" (but recently disclosed) and used against you. All that "convenience" you thought you were getting with the Silicon Valley wonderkind in your pocket will turn into the very weapon that destroys both your freedom and, quite possibly, your life.

This is not about the difference between Democrat and Republican; we can have a very raw political discussion about socialism .vs. capitalism, about health care and how we pay for it, about the monopolist influences therein (and whether they're good or bad, and if bad by how much), about abortion, gay rights, guns, or whatever. That debate is part and parcel of a representative republic and within the framework of the Constitution, and its means of amendment, it's all valid.

No, this is about selling the United States to sworn enemies of our Constitution who cut off heads, throw people off buildings, prevent women from driving and imprison women who have the temerity to choose who they love or simply wish to walk outside with more than their eyes and fingers visible beyond clothing. It is about a political machine and family that has sold our State Department to said persons, sold off uranium interests in exchange for "donations" to Russia, destroyed two nations, gotten an ambassador killed, armed jihadis through their own ineptitude by circumventing federal law that prohibited said shipments in the first place and more, then attempted to cover it all up by using a private communications setup designed to conceal what they were doing from the checks and balances built into the Federal Government's structure.

It is, arguably, about Treason. REAL Treason, not the namby-pamby misuse of the term that often flies around the Internet and elsewhere.

Folks, if the people of this nation vote to destroy themselves then I have no right to declare that they're wrong. You have a right to vote to die -- as a nation, as a body politic and as a person.

In less than two weeks we're going to find out if this nation will commit seppuku for real, in real time, on television. We will get to watch as the results come in, and discover whether the people of this nation are actually going to ritually disembowel themselves and the nation itself.

That we're actually in a position where it can happen at the voting booth is the frightening part. That a material percentage of this nation's population hates not only itself but America as a country and what this nation stands for that such a woman was nominated for President by a major national party is proof positive that America no longer deserves to be the beacon of anything on this planet.

We will either repudiate or confirm that judgement, as a nation, in less than two weeks.

Choose wisely.

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