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by Lena
Tue Jul 24, 2018 6:22 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The TexasCHL Pet Section
Replies: 30
Views: 8972

Re: The TexasCHL Pet Section


My girls were involved in a home break in in Ok some years back when I was fishing with a friend, I was in court several days the 2 illegals got more than they ever dreamed of 1 did not survive as he lost most of his throat, the other was arrested and literally froze from the surprise shock of 102 lbs of pure hate on him, al turned out ok for us bad guys not to good.
This was Mickie playing some, she still has it in her
by Lena
Tue Jul 24, 2018 2:47 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The TexasCHL Pet Section
Replies: 30
Views: 8972

Re: The TexasCHL Pet Section

Great look Pups. Where do you go to adopt the exmilitary Pups?

Lackland AF Base is closest to here a timely process but FREE, full background checks, finger prints, all people in home, house check, credit and financial checks, everything. Small children in home is a minus. 6' or more fence a plus, your job and income checked, a letter from LE helps also attesting your a good guy. More involved than buying NFA class 3. Pet insurance a plus.
The when called you have a short window to reply SHORT time there, have to go to Lackland for about 3-4 days all on your expense, you see dogs, work with them and handlers, attend MRI and total exam get 1-2 months of meds if needed free and all history of dog everything from day 1 of training a life long partner worth about 5 figures, felony to sell them or use for work in their MOS. If you wish any more info PM me. Mine are fluent in 2 languages. 1st step is get on list all free to do so, fill out papers then wait, maybe 2 years just depends, prior service or LE or handler get a + point. Good thing it will happen though, consent to a 24/7 inspection also. If one comes available you refuse it all starts over. There are several US sites.
There are usually 3-4 types offered for adoption. They do not even give you a collar or leash. Have to be transported in a crate from base.

This was a life saver for me I admit.
by Lena
Tue Jul 24, 2018 12:17 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The TexasCHL Pet Section
Replies: 30
Views: 8972

Re: The TexasCHL Pet Section

Dogs, cat & horse.
Dogs and cat in house 99%
All dogs rescue adopted mostly all military working k9's

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