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by flowrie
Sat Feb 05, 2022 7:59 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: MN: Minneapolis Police shoot and kill CHL at 7 am who seconds before had been asleep
Replies: 17
Views: 4847

Re: MN: Minneapolis Police shoot and kill CHL at 7 am who seconds before had been asleep

puma guy wrote: Fri Feb 04, 2022 9:47 pm There are situations that call for police to enter with no warning in cases where lives are a stake. However the dangers and abuses of no knock warrants far out weigh they usefulness for drug cases or other non life threatening situations in my opinion.
I completely agree with the statement above.
The news story and video reminds me of the Gestapo in WWII Germany. Wasn’t there, but I study history.

You can trust a bad guy to be bad.
You can’t trust the supposedly good guys to be good.

If I were an LEO, I would refuse to participate in no knock warrants. Might lose your job, but at least you could sleep at night. Well, maybe.
That story just really p#$$&s me off!

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