About the OP and the security guard. I don't know if the notice was effective or not.WildBill wrote:A friend of mine has worked in the semiconductor business for the last 30 years and has earned a lot of money over the years.Liberty wrote:As a recently retired person, I find this to be a little presumptuous especially for some older .. I retired even though I have the ability to keep on. My old job could be a little stressful and I had the ability to live my chosen lifestyle without having to go to my old job. Maybe some day I might want to go back to work for a little extra pin money. I might be capable of working a job like my old job, but I don't foresee working the kind of hours and pressures when my lifestyle doesn't need that kind of money any more. Some young Moms might serve tables on weekends rather than teach so they can spend more time with family. I knew soldiers who got out for the same reasons. I knew this one guy once who was a retired aerospace engineer, He pumped gas for a couple hours every weekend. He told me he did it just to meet with the people. He was perfectly capable of getting more significant work, but He enjoyed being retired .Soccerdad1995 wrote:
I may be reading too much between the lines of your post, but I want to make it clear that I absolutely appreciate anyone who does honest work. If someone is doing a job, then I naturally assume that they cannot get a better job, because any sane, rational, person would choose the best job they could get. That in no way means that I do not appreciate the job that someone is currently doing.
Making the most money or most prestigious job isn't the most important thing to everyone. Lifestyle might be though.
She has been a "single mother" for 20 years and now both of her daughters have graduated from college, have good jobs and are married.
This month she decided that she had enough of the long hours, high pressure and competitive back-stabbing office politics in the electronics business.
She decided leave this industry to take a position in healthcare where she thinks she can make a more positive contribution to the community.
Her salary will be half of what she used to make. I wish her well.
If it happened to me, I would talk to a "real manager" and straighten things out.