Colt had a special process that produced a deep and bright finish that they called "Royal Blue". On the higher end models such as the Python, I believe that they also hand-buffed the steel prior to finishing. At least that is what I have read. ... luing.html" onclick=";return false;xb12s wrote:What is the finish on the cobras that were posted? Is that "blueing" or something else? I imagined blue to be lighter in color (i've seen some that are what i would call a "gunmetal" color), but admittedly I don't know much about that.
Other manufacturers didn't take as much time preparing the surface so the blueing can range from the "gun metal grey" to a dark blue. Just like any surface finish or plating, the quality can very due to surface preparation, times, temperatures, concentration and cleanliness of the chemical baths. In order to save money, many companies don't change their baths as often as they should, and the quality of the surface finish suffers. I also believe that Colt had long-time employees who were actual craftsman that served a long apprenticeship before they were moved up into higher level positions. A picture in the link above has a caption about one employee who spent 18 months learning how to manually polish parts.
There are many used revolvers, especially those carried by LEOs that can have a lot of blueing that has worn off. If you want to spend the money they can be reblued. In addition to resisting rust, many people like SS handguns because there is no finish to rub off.