The NYPD website states that you can have 25 guns per permit. This permit is to own the gun. There are other "add-ons" that are available to have it at home, business, guard, concealed carry, etc. There are provisions for permit holders who move or live out of state. I am sure that a "non-restricted carry" CHL type carry is extremely rare.Keith B wrote:And, of those 37,000 pistol permits in NYC, I will bet the percentage may be very low on how many are actually personal protection licenses. Additionally, I believe you must get a permit each time you purchase a new gun, so wonder it they just looked at the total number that have been issued? If so, this could be less actual owners if they have multiple guns. Also, I wonder if the permit gets canceled if the person moves out of state or sells the gun legally? ... _faq.shtml" onclick=";return false;