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by WildBill
Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:42 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Percentage who actually carry
Replies: 20
Views: 3091

Re: Percentage who actually carry

Cobra Medic wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:And then there are others (which probably describes 99% of the active membership of this board), who simply won't leave home without a gun... ...and they frequently carry at home too.
I'd like to see the support for your claim.

Looking at the number of posts from people saying they can't carry at work or school, those people aren't doing anything they couldn't do without a CHL since MPA passed.

Then there are people who complain they can't car carry during their commute to work because of parking lot restrictions.
I may not agree with TAM's particular number, but I agree with his premise. Which is: The members of the Forum carry more often than the majority of CHL holders. I believe that the members of the Forum are more informed about the laws and consequences of carrying and not-carrying compared with rest of the Texas CHL holders. Since the list of CHL holders in no longer public, an accurate survey of carrying habits could only be performed by the DPS.

In the OP, the reporter's estimate of "very, very low percentage" is subjective, but I believe the number is probably low. Without any facts, I would guess only 1-5% of CHL holder carry every day. Is that "low", "very low" or "very very low"?

As you stated many people on the forum don't carry as often because of parking lot or work restrictions. I am one in this category. Another thing that I have noticed from my conversations with people is that most people are not aware of the MPA law. I believe car carry is a major factor in the choice to obtain a CHL.

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