Shocked, surprised, scared, stupid? All of the above.VoiceofReason wrote:Got to wonder what Koto felt like the instant the gun went off.
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- Fri Feb 26, 2010 7:34 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: scariest sound in the world?
- Replies: 11
- Views: 2297
Re: scariest sound in the world?
- Mon Feb 22, 2010 3:52 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: scariest sound in the world?
- Replies: 11
- Views: 2297
Re: scariest sound in the world?
Thanks for the post. This post is a potent reminder that the most dangerous thing is an untrained/unsafe person handling an "unloaded gun". There are several lessons here that we may be able to learn from this post.LedJedi wrote:Yet another reminder that the most dangerous thing in the world is an "unloaded" gun. They kill dozens of people every year. Just thought i'd share the story.
First of all, I am surprised that this situation doesn't happen more often. Many people on this forum have stated that they have various loaded weapons throughout their homes. These people and their family members are, presumingly, aware that the weapons are ready for use and that they are properly trained. Obviously, people who have children living in the house have to take more precautions so that their children and their children's friends don't have access to guns.
My point is that adults can be just as dangerous. While at a friend's or relative's house I would never pick up a gun that did not belong to me. Unfortunately, some people don't have that self restraint. We all have "Kotos" in our lives. I hope that we can all learn something from LedJedi's story and prevent a future tradegy.