As long as I get a CHL badge too.bayouhazard wrote:I would be willing to pass the same shooting test as peace officers, and have the same misdemeanor/felony disqualifications as peace officers (in some cases less than CHL) if it means I can carry EVERYWHERE IN THE USA that TX peace officer can carry, including Texas courts, airports, bars while drinking, sporting events, gun shows, businesses posted 30.06, etc.marksiwel wrote:I'll go through more training if I can get more "Rights" with that training. Like open carry, can carry anywhere like a Cop ect
Plus 49 other states under LEOSA.
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- Sun Dec 13, 2009 1:29 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Would you go through more CHL training?
- Replies: 55
- Views: 7852