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by parabelum
Thu Jan 28, 2016 1:58 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore
Replies: 49
Views: 8345

Re: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore

Yes indeed, the media that was supposed to be the fourth column turned into the fifth estate, filled with human drones and insidious traitors who hack away at the tree of Liberty slowly, one propaganda piece after another.

And yet even those of us who are more acutely aware of this reality fall into their traps.
On this very forum, this topic notwithstanding, we've taken the bait and aimed our frustrations at eachother, following right down the path that the media along with anti-2A wants us to go. I'm guilty of allowing the passion for the disdain I have for these groups to steer me into dead end arguments with people who are likeminded.

But yes, without the media promoting garbage and filth, the damage to our country would be more manageable.

God Bless this Nation.
by parabelum
Thu Jan 28, 2016 11:41 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore
Replies: 49
Views: 8345

Re: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore

VMI77 wrote:
parabelum wrote:Here is an exchange between Peter Alexander, NBC shill, and Trump. This is relevant to a video about Meet the Press interview from almost 17 years ago.

I sure wish these traitors would focus more vigor and attention towards war crime committed the other day in Oregon, where a political dissident was executed in cold blood.
Shameless quislings.

The left is cheering that death. They hate it when a violent felon with a long criminal record gets killed by the police but they celebrate any time the government kills anyone they consider to be part of their political opposition. No one is more bloodthirsty than a "tolerant" leftist.

I heard the scariest and most chilling thing on the radio on the way home from work yesterday that I've heard in a very long time: Hillary Clinton talking about appointing justices to the Supreme Court. She was asked if she'd consider appointing Obama and she gushed at the idea. That wasn't even the scary part because she was most probably lying. The scary part was her saying in essence that we need to get some justices on the court that won't let the Constitution get in the way of the socialist agenda.

If any GOP candidate does nothing more than mitigate the looming apocalypse of of 3 or 4 supreme court justices appointed by Hitlery or Bernie Boobus that alone will be a great accomplishment. The difference between Bernie and Hitlery is about the same as the difference between Lenin and Stalin.
You are correct Sir.

Here we have an American Citizen, a Patriot, who was executed either by FBI, OSP or ATF in cold blood with his hands actually up, in full compliance and NOT threatening the war criminal who shot him to death, AND the media along with all these leftists rats posing as "reverends" or "civil rights leaders" are silent.
Why? Because he was a political dissident, and...he was white.

That's why I call this execution a war crime. Members on this forum who lived under true tyranny understand the modus operandi of the dictators who want to suppress the voice of dissent.

This was a bully tactic to warn all of us who detest the traitor in the WH, either shut up or you'll disappear.

There are however, millions of us here who will NOT be silenced and subverted to shut up. Many who have tasted oppression and tyranny and will fight with every fiber of our being to push back.
The sad part is when I talk to people I associate at work etc., people who are otherwise very smart, all I see by in large is apathy.
It's like people have been beaten mentally to remain nice docile citizens, while our Country is disintegrating right before our eyes.

FOX network is just another co-conspirator in the effort to pervert our Country, to turn everything decent into dust. I'll never forget what they've done.
by parabelum
Thu Jan 28, 2016 11:00 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore
Replies: 49
Views: 8345

Re: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore

And here is another good reason why Trump pulled out of the Soviet era style "debate": ... rco-rubio/

Add that to the long list of things about FOX that came to light over the past few days, mostly due to Trump exposing them slowly for who they truly are.

Trump might be many things, a "true conservative" he is not nor are any of them, but one thing is for sure, when he is elected, our Nation will have law and order, and these corrupt weasels on both sides along with their comrades in the media will be looking for new jobs. That's why they all hate him, establishment and their lobbyists from Left to Right, but there is a huge majority of people who are sick and tired of them all,demanding our Country back, and we will NOT be silent anymore!

And as far as all the talk about Reagan, my wife's entire family business, dairy farm, was decimated due to Reagans policies. And they're not the only ones. So, while he was a great president in some aspects, he was NOT the symbol of perfection that so many lift him up to be.
Neither were many of the Founding Fathers by the way, Whiskey Rebellion comes to mind.

Great Man, yes. Wise Man, yes. Perfect Man, far far from it.

by parabelum
Thu Jan 28, 2016 10:41 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore
Replies: 49
Views: 8345

Re: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore

Here is an exchange between Peter Alexander, NBC shill, and Trump. This is relevant to a video about Meet the Press interview from almost 17 years ago.

I sure wish these traitors would focus more vigor and attention towards war crime committed the other day in Oregon, where a political dissident was executed in cold blood.
Shameless quislings.

by parabelum
Wed Jan 27, 2016 5:36 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore
Replies: 49
Views: 8345

Re: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore

I'd also like to add one more thing about Cruz, the fact is that he was a sitting US Senator representing people of Texas who held dual citizenship.
I'll beat the dead horse if I must, but I fought hard to attain my US citizenship. I renounced my Bosnian citizenship that same day when I gave my pledge to this Country before the Court.
I did so because I stand behind no other Nation other then United States, and my Spirit couldn't be at peace otherwise.
It bothers me, at a personal level, that Cruz sat on both sides for decades, and renounced his Canadian citizenship only little while ago when it went public.
It irritates me beyond belief to see Cruz, a TX Senator downplay this.
Folks, he kept his Canadian citizenship for monetary expediency. Nothing else makes sense.
If you are a patriot, then why in the world would you hold dual citizenship? Why be lukewarm?

I know many in the LEGAL immigrant community who feel just as frustrated as I am about Senator Cruz's dual citizenship. I am outraged at the double standard by Cruz supporters who, if Cruz held a Iraqi or Syrian citizenship, would turn their backs on him in a New York minute.
That may be harsh on some, but it's the reality.

I'm sure he is a nice man, but, a so called true conservative he is not. Neither is Trump or anyone else up there.

True conservatives died long time ago, unfortunately. Now we have to do damage control and that means that we must win the WH.
Trump may be many things, perfect man he is not, but Trump is the only one I see who would is liable to clean the filth in DC.

Most importantly, Trump CAN win.
by parabelum
Wed Jan 27, 2016 5:11 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore
Replies: 49
Views: 8345

Re: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore

VMI77 wrote:For you Fox lovers, this is what Fox represents: ... rdoch.html
Murdoch meanwhile is goading Michael Bloomberg to join the race for president
Oh so "conservative" and "fair" and "balanced."

Fox is having a fit of cognitive dissonance. Murdoch doesn't want Trump to be president but the money side wants the ratings and the money the clown show brings in when Trump is present.
New York's Gabe Sherman is reporting that Moore's appearance on Kelly's show had some at the network fuming, with one of her fellow anchor's noting; 'That would be like Rachel Maddow laughing along with Charles Koch as he trashed Hillary Clinton!'
Murdoch meanwhile is not being shy about chasing someone to join the race for president - Michael Bloomberg.

He wrote on Twitter Wednesday; 'This is Bloomberg's last chance. You never know until your hat is in the ring! Events change everything, especially during elections.'

Whatever Trump is or is not, he has done the country a great service by stripping the mask from Fox "news."
Spot on.

Now, if I was Cruz supporter I would expect, scratch that, I would DEMAND that Cruz grills Fox moderators to explain their Network links and ties to the America hating left wing front groups. I'd expect Cruz to turn it 180 degrees back on them.
Now, if he did that, I'd gain more respect for him.

As for Fox, jig is up. There are millions of us out here who are fed up with them all.
by parabelum
Wed Jan 27, 2016 2:11 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore
Replies: 49
Views: 8345

Re: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore

mojo84 wrote:Are these the views of a conservative Republican?

Not in my opinion. That's why I said that they are all flawed.
Moreover, people can in fact change/shift their views over the years. It is part of human condition.
I look at things from the pragmatic point of view, and right now, Trump is the only one I can envision beating Leftist commies come November. We will need a lot more then "true conservatives" to win. And yes, that includes those who are socially liberal but fiscally conservative, those who Trump can get, but Cruz cannot.

Just for humor, here is a time capsule moment from Cruz:

They are all flawed.
by parabelum
Wed Jan 27, 2016 1:47 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore
Replies: 49
Views: 8345

Re: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore

ScottDLS wrote:Chump is not a conservative...he's just another New York bigmouth whose ego is even bigger than his fortune. So he takes his marbles and goes home cuz he can't stand up to a debate with a real conservative like Ted Cruz... "rlol" "rlol"

If he can't stand up to Megyn Kelly at Fox how's he gonna handle the MSLSD media when they finish worshipping Hitlery and turn their Marxist propaganda machines at him? :shock:

He's skipping the debate because he's afraid of actually having to talk intelligently about the issues instead of bloviating. :biggrinjester:
I disagree.

Trump has his spiel,Cruz has his.
As far as Cruz being a "real conservative", there are numerous holes in his "conservatism", small example found here: ... support-of

The whole meaning of the "conservative" is overused and overstated today.
By classical definition, no "candidate" on the Republican side meets the "conservative" criteria. They are all flawed.
So, for me, I'd rather have 50% of something rather then 100% of nothing.
Good enough for Jerry Fallwell Jr. and Sherrif Joe Arpaio, good enough for me.

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